Hibernation Sickness

An intermittent transmission from somewhere in metropolitan France to somewhere across the Atlantic.

February 05, 2005

Title Apt!

I took a lengthy winter break from blogging, only to have my updating plan thwarted by links to various blogs I share this website with.

Seriously, these are good blogs, because I usually hate blogs (including my own, obviously).

This used to be my blog's template: Things I hate about my Flatmate ...Now THAT's what a blog should be!

This is what all you Bush-voting fucks can't conceptualize, or refuse to: Baghdad Burning

And for the males with a "broadband" connection: http://bastos1.blogspot.com/

Mm. Classy. This is the worst blog post ever. I will post more later, but tomorrow I work fifteen hours--an enjoyable fifteen hours, to be sure.

May Bush drink the blood of every man, woman, child, and lizard in Iraq!" --Borat