This Is Hardcore
So apparently I need to post more to be exciting. There were some technical difficulties with posting over the past few days, however. Moreover, my computer has some major malfunctions, and I'm not sure how much life is really left in it.
The lyrics to this album :
should replace the Bible in Western culture.
My time over the past week has been divided between the virtual world of decadence, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, and the real one, Atlantic City.
This weekend I lost 145 dollars playing card games that must have been harder than I thought. After opening a hope-renewing fortune cookie and getting a "Chinese" massage, I put ten dollars on the Red square in Roulette, and proceeded to turn that ten dollars into 163 big sexy dollars, recouping my earlier loss.
Then I spent more than 110 dollars at the nudie bar. Thirty of that was me donating to the birthday boy's lapdance fund, because I felt bad for his loss of 400 bucks at Blackjack. I am so nice.
Even though I do wonder about the morality of all of the above, I think my message of "Fuck you, moral minority," will echo the world over for weeks to come. More importantly, though, I was able to see street names from Monopoly in person, and beat the ensuing jokes to death, annoying everyone I was with.
So there you have it, I've gone all 'diary' on yo' ass.
This is the best damn blog ever! You are so sexy!
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